Journal of West Indian Literature 24, 2 (November 2016)
Special issue: Caribbean Ecocriticism
Guest editor: Elaine Savory
Since the publication of Caribbean Literature and the Environment: Between Nature and Culture, edited by DeLoughrey, Gosson and Handley in 2005, there have been several interventions into the new field of Caribbean ecocriticism. Important work by scholars including DeLoughrey, Handley, Carrigan and Huggan has helped to foreground the importance of this perspective on considerations of Caribbean literary production. Now we seek to gather new and varied contributions to what is becoming an important body of scholarship.
Articles are invited which treat ecological topics in relation to Caribbean literature and culture. These may be readings of scribal or oral texts considered through a combination of disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, chronological and theoretical lenses.
Please consult JWIL’s submission guidelines and style sheet before sending in articles.
Please submit articles by May 31, 2016 to Elaine Savory at“>