The Australian Association for Caribbean Studies announces its 2019 conference, “Caribbean Meridians,” to be held 7-9 February 2019 at Western Sydney University in Australia. Keynote speakers will be Patrick Chamoiseau, Alexis Wright, Michael Bucknor, and Anna Cristina Pertierra.
From the editors:
The next biennial Australian Association for Caribbean Studies conferences will be held at Western Sydney University in conjunction with the Australian Research Council funded project Other Worlds. Our theme, Caribbean Meridians, spotlights the ways in which Caribbean worlds are made and the relations and alignments these worlds have with worlds elsewhere. (Please note: proposed papers are not required to address the theme; all topics within Caribbean studies will be considered.)
The conference will feature a landmark collaboration between two preeminent writers from the Caribbean and Australia: Patrick Chamoiseau from Martinique and Alexis Wright from the Waanyi nation of the Gulf of Carpentaria. In the conference’s keynote roundtable, Chamoiseau and Wright will discuss the meridians that align their imaginative worlds. Our other keynote presenters Michael Bucknor and Anna Cristina Pertierra will consider meridians that extend from the Caribbean to Canada and the Philippines, taking in, respectively, the transnational literary world of the Caribbean diaspora and the ways in which the study of transatlantic media and digital technologies can inform thinking in the transpacific world.
The deadline for abstracts is September 30, 2018. All inquiries to aacsconf2019(at) or Ben Etherington (b.etherington(at)
More details, and a link to the call for papers, here.