
Vol. 33, No. 1, November 2024

Editorial Preface
Raphael Dalleo

George Lamming’s Caribbean Epistemology
Linden F. Lewis   

“Shame is a revolutionary sentiment”: Shame and Affective Stratum in George Lamming’s In the Castle of My Skin
Yutaka Yoshida

The Blurred Binary between Humanity and Animality in In the Castle of My Skin
Jacqueline Retalis

Resistance to Racializing Surveillance in George Lamming’s The Emigrants
Stephanie J. Brown

“Architecture of the Future”: Negative Capability and the Politics and Poetics of Feeling in George Lamming’s Natives of My Person
Tohru Nakamura

Three Poems: “Visit to Combermere School, October 2023”; “A Commitment to Righting Historical Wrongs”; “A Marxist Analysis of West Indian Fatherhood”
Amílcar Peter Sanatan

Book Reviews

Christopher Laird, Equal to Mystery: In Search of Harold Sonny Ladoo
Kris Singh

Zalika Reid-Benta, River Mumma
Renan Cabral Paulino

Notes on Contributors

Vol. 32, No. 2, April 2024

Editorial Preface
Nicola Hunte


Beyond Boundaries: Navigating Place, Faith, and Selfhood in Aliyyah Eniath’s The Yard
Victoria V. Chang   

Reconceptualizing Cross-Cultural Influence: Derek Walcott’s Imitation of Hokusai
Gavin Herbertson

“The white man is still there. The white duppy”: Gothic Haunting and Colourism in Marlon James’s A Brief History of Seven Killings
Cato Marks


“Broadcast now published”: An Interview with Caryl Phillips on the Publication of his Radio Plays
Bénédicte Ledent

From the BBC to Bocas: An Interview with Marina Salandy-Brown on Leadership and Literary Community Building
Lisa Outar

Tribute Section to Edward Baugh

John Robert Lee

Edward Baugh—In Memoriam
Glyne Griffith

For Edward Baugh
Asha Varadharajan

Tribute to Professor Eddie Baugh
Evelyn O’Callaghan

True-True Love
Pamela Mordecai

Poet of Port Antonio
Ronald Cummings

Book Reviews

Earl Lovelace’s Is Just a Movie
Funso Aiyejina

Kerstin Oloff, Ecology of the Zombie: World-Culture and the Monstrous
Lizette Gerber

Jacinth Howard, The Mother Island
Linzey Corridon

Notes on Contributors

Vol. 32, No. 1, November 2023

Special Issue on Caribbean Literature, Art, and Environmental Activism

Edited by
Leah Rosenberg

We dedicate this issue of JWIL to Edward Baugh, a man whose accomplishments as a poet, scholar, teacher, and administrator were essential to building and sustaining over decades the West Indian Literature Conference, this journal, the field of Caribbean literary studies, and the poets and scholars of today and of the future. Let us honor his extraordinary wisdom, erudition, eloquence, empathy, and service by continuing his work.

Editorial Preface
Leah Rosenberg


Public Art and Military Afterlives in Culebra, Puerto Rico
Alejandra Bronfman

Audre Lorde’s and Sofía Gallisá Muriente’s Hurricane Diaries: Writing Strategies of Survival in Colonial Disaster
Jeannine Murray-Román

Postcards Remixed: Ekphrasis, Ecology, and the Everyday in Caribbean Postcard Poetry
Shalini Puri

Ship and Storm: Caribbean Hurricane Literature and Songs of Middle Passage Migrancy
Aliyah Khan

El/Oil Dorado: Art and Activism in Guyana
Sasha Ann Panaram

Pray to Flowers—A Plot of Disalienation
Annalee Davis

Folk Cultures and Animal Sentience in Olive Senior’s Selected Poetry
Hannah Regis

“We must look after each other”: Human and Non-Human Extinctions on Hispaniola in Edwidge Danticat’s Claire of the Sea Light and Rita Indiana’s Tentacle
Seanna Viechweg

Cli-Fi Cartographies/Future Catastrophes: Social Justice and Tumultuous Unmoorings in Contemporary Caribbean Short Fiction
Akhim Alexis

“This is Jamaica”: Circumscribed Citizenship in Esther Figueroa’s I Live for Art (2013) and Fly Me to the Moon (2019)
Rachel Moseley-Wood

“The everyday is everything”: A Conversation with Esther Figueroa
Leah Rosenberg and Shalini Puri

Fly Me to the Moon: Imagining a Future beyond Extraction
Esther Figueroa, introduction by Leah Rosenberg

Book Reviews

Mary Ann Gosser Esquilín, Culture, Nature, and the Other in Caribbean Literature: An Ecocritical Approach
Leah Rosenberg

Dreaming the “Unthinkable”: Identities, Longing, and Self-Liberation in Andre Bagoo’s The Dreaming. Review of Andre Bagoo, The Dreaming.
Jacqueline Jiang

Notes on Contributors

Vol. 31, No. 2, April 2023

Edited by Carol Bailey and Stephanie McKenzie

Editorial Preface
Carol Bailey and Stephanie McKenzie


Green and Fierce in a Place: Pamela Mordecai’s Poetic Environment
Elaine Savory

green and wild: poetry in play. A creative response to Pamela Mordecaiʼs A Fierce Green Place: New and Selected Poems
Curmiah Lisette

“A Poem Is a Power”: Pamela Mordecai’s Poetic Journey
Opal Palmer Adisa

Refashioning the Empire’s Remains: Pamela Mordecai’s Poetry for Children
Lissa Paul

Feminist Interventions and Discursive and Poetic Practices in Pamela Mordecai’s Poems
Simone A. James Alexander

Review of Pamela Mordecai, A Fierce Green Place: New and Selected Poems
Vladimir Lucien

An Eden with Teeth. Review of Pamela Mordecai, A Fierce Green Place: New and Selected Poems
Arturo Desimone

“I eat those words like they is food”: The Prismatic Poetry of Pamela Mordecai. Review of Pamela Mordecai, A Fierce Green Place: New and Selected Poems
Steven W. Beattie

“People Encountering People” and “The Comfort of Making”: An Interview with Pamela Mordecai about Sandberry Press and More
Michael A. Bucknor

Copy-Editing and More: A Fierce Green Place
Teri-Ann McDonald

The Strength of Pamela Mordecai’s Poetry
Jordan Trice

Much More Besides
Rachel L. Mordecai

Book Review

Alison Donnell, Creolized Sexualities: Undoing Heteronormativity in the Literary Imagination of the Anglo-Caribbean
Keja Valens

Notes on Contributors