May 11th is Kamau Brathwaite’s Birthday. Join us as JWIL teams up with sx salon to mark KB’s birthday. Between May 11 – 18th, sx salon‘s general editor Rachel Mordecai will take over our Twitter feed to share reflections on teaching Kamau’s work.
In addition to being one of the Caribbean’s foremost writers, Kamau was also a teacher. His pedagogies of the word were instructive. This Twitter residency will reflect on pedagogical questions. In particular, Rachel Mordecai will explore questions about teaching gender in and through Brathwaite’s poetry.
How might we teach these poems, with attention to gender, in our current moment? And what do these poems teach us?
Rachel Mordecai is associate professor of English at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Editor (since 2019) of @sxsalon. Her primary interests are Caribbean literature and culture; her work has appeared in Sargasso, Wadabagei, Kunapipi, @SmallAxeProject, and @jwilonline.
@RachelMordecai’s book Citizenship Under Pressure: The 1970s in Jamaican Literature and Culture appeared from @UWIPRESS in 2014. Her monograph-in-progress is on Caribbean family sagas, including the work of Maisy Card, Lawrence Scott, Maryse Condé, Édouard Glissant, and Dionne Brand.